3 Methods Of Preparing For Your First Hired Employee.

Bringing a full-time employee into your business can be a fantastic milestone, and may also be a little nerve-wracking for you. This is because while you may retain control over all the executive decision-making, sharing your dream, your concept, your organization, and your future with someone new is a risk, to say the least.

Of course, that doesn’t mean an employee can come in and throw a spanner in the works if they’re not right for the job. You have the right to trial employees using an induction system, to vet them well before they join, and to make sure they clearly understand their roles and responsibilities with well-crafted job decisions before they finally join.

 That said, a few more preparations may be worth putting in place to make sure absolutely everything has been cared for. You’ll also be learning how to better manage staff and talent at a similar rate depending on your needs, which can be worth knowing. With that in mind, let’s consider some of the following advice:

Perfecting Your Onboarding Framework

It’s not just hiring that matters, but how you’ll introduce the successful candidate to your firm. This might take a similar format to how a lesson plan might look like for a teacher – perhaps one day you’ll showcase the IT system you’re using, clients you have, past job services, policies you’re putting into place, and their working environment. You can then agree on a mutau schedule, and ease them into the responsibilities of the firm. Sure, some measures in a two-person firm might be simple to begin with, as the HR process will mostly be agreements that are then documented. But an onboarding process can give your hire the breathing room they need to adapt to your style of working, and maybe suggest optimizations where appropriate.

Integrate Insurance & Payroll Systems

Making sure the vital systems are in place for the total care of your employees is essential. That might involve workplace insurance with Tivly, or it might mean outsourcing your payroll so that they’re paid fairly and to the exact minute they’ve worked every month, or that their holiday days are calculated appropriately and can be redeemed with care as and when appropriate. You can also provide this documentation to your staff member to show your efforts in providing these essential components, allowing them the peace of mind they need, too.

Outline Clear Policies

It might seem as though you can play fast and loose with the policies of your business when it’s only you and another staff member, but actually, this is where policies are so much more important to craft. This is because you can be consistent when you have rules to refer to. It will mean that the employee won’t feel obligated to work overtime constantly just to help your company when you’ve already attributed essential shift patterns in your hiring policy. Little things like this format the relationship so they can stay very professional despite the proximity to one another.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to hire your first employee using appropriate preparations to succeed.

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