What Is Causing Your Business To Lose Money?

When you have a business to run, it should be obvious that the financial side of things is one of the most important of all. You need to make sure that you have a strong control of this, as otherwise you might struggle to actually keep the business running as well as you would hope. Part of the issue can be that it can be tricky to actually identify where the problem areas are. In this post, we’ll look at some examples of the kinds of areas where your business might be losing money without you realizing it.

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Tech Debt

You might not have heard of this, but this is the kind of thing that you are going to want to be aware of if you are keen on making sure that you are looking after your money in a business. Tech debt refers to when you are essentially indebted to your technological needs, and it’s an issue that can subtly but powerfully plague businesses for a long time before the issue gets resolved. So make sure that you are avoiding this at all costs if you want your business’ finances to be kept as strong as possible.


This refers to any loss that is due to an unknown cause, although you can actually figure out what the most likely causes are in most cases. A very common form of shrinkage is theft, which can be carried out by staff or by customers, or a combination, or it can be enacted by contractors and peripatetic workers that you hire out from time to time. You need to let people know that you are on top of this, as just doing that is going to ensure that it gets reduced considerably.

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Product Problems

When there is a problem with your product, it means that there is likely to be a problem with your finances. All product problems are going to result in a loss of income, but you will also need to pay out for fixes, so it’s really a double whammy of financial loss. You need to make sure that you are keeping on top of your product issues if you want to keep your finances in place as strongly as possible, so this is something you should certainly focus on as best as you can at all times.

Poor Planning
Finally, sometimes financial loss can simply be the result of poor planning. If you are not thinking ahead clearly, then you are simply going to find that you have a lot more issues when it comes to your business’ finances. So you need to make sure that you are planning things out as well as you can, and as long as you are always doing that, you are effectively going to minimize loss across the board, and probably more effectively than you might have thought possible.

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